Title: Pay ONLY What’s Fair for Car Repair
Author: Victoria Stonegate
Price: $$ from today till  09/21 ,1.99 from 09/21 -09/24

Do you feel a moment of panic when your car’s Check Engine light comes on, knowing you’ll have to take it to a dealership to have that problem evaluated?

Have you ever been shocked by an estimate for car repair, thinking it sounded way too expensive?

Do you feel like your car is being held hostage because you don’t know enough about cars to evaluate the problem yourself?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, this book is for you.

Pay ONLY What’s Fair for Car Repair gives you a specific and easy-to-follow game plan for every time you take your car in for maintenance, diagnosis, or repair. Your knowledge plus this ebook will be a powerful combination against scams. The first time the author tried her own plan, she saved $500.

Even if you’re knowledgeable about cars, and you’ve done your own repairs for years, you see what is happening in the auto repair world. Every year the onboard computer controls more and more of your car’s functions. In some cars, even the gas pedal is no longer connected directly to the engine. The position of the pedal is read by a computer, which in turn increases or decreases fuel into the engine.

Not only that, but putting more and more control wires and tubes into smaller engine compartments has resulted in less space in which to work. Special tools are often required to perform even maintenance as simple as spark plug removal. This isn’t about whether or not you are knowledgeable enough to fix your car. There are repairs that are best done by a repair facility, and this ebook will be invaluable when you hit those repairs.