Title: Annabelle Sullivan and the Restless Spirit Society
Author: Ivy K. Tyler
Price: $ 0.99
Rating: 5.0 out of 5.0 stars

Summer had just begun…and Bradley Mattox had given me something to think about while school was out: our dance last night. I’ve had a crush on him for as long as I can remember, and now I think he likes me too. Problem is—I have this ghost haunting me. No, more than haunting me—it physically attacked me! I confided in my sister, Paige, but she doesn’t believe me. That’s fine…my best friend, Chloe believed me. We made a pledge a long time ago that we’d always tell each other the truth.
Now that I had Chloe on board, we were going to take care of this ghost! That is, until I found out Chloe can’t see the ghost. Only I can. Just when I started to think I was going nuts, I took a walk and ran into Bradley. Correction—he ran into me with his bike. After that, we became sort of inseparable. It’s going to be very interesting spending my summer with Bradley, Chloe, and a ghost. A ghost who might just have a good reason for being here…