Title: Cast the First Stone: A Rebecca Stone Mystery
Author: Phyllis Zimbler Miller
Price: $$ from Aug 20 – 22, 2013
Rating: 3.9 out of 5.0 stars(15)

Cozy mystery CAST THE FIRST STONE introduces Los Angeles business reporter Rebecca Stone:When asked to investigate the murder of a Wharton professor spending the summer term at UCLA, Rebecca Stone must also grapple with partnering with her former fiancé who broke off their engagement to pursue a career on Wall Street.

Recipes from the Jewish holiday book SEASONS FOR CELEBRATION by Rabbi Karen L. Fox and Phyllis Zimbler Miller (available on Amazon) are included in this cozy mystery.See the followup outing for amateur sleuth Rebecca Stone in TWO BIRDS WITH ONE STONE: REBECCA STONE MYSTERY SHORT STORIES at amzn.to/UWeFsa