Author: Adwiti Subba Haffner
Price: FREE from Feb 27 – Mar 02 , 2013
Rating: 5.0 out of 5.0 stars(4)

Are you tired of not being able to focus? Are you struggling with achieving your dreams? Are you feeling like your drive is left in the car? Are you sluggish during the day and find it hard to stay focused and motivated. Are you procrastinating your dreams away.

You are not alone.There are thousands of people in the same boat.

Packed with ancient wisdom of the East and amazing practicality of the West, this book will deliver the encouragement and motivation you need just at the right time.

Pick up this book, open a page and the message will be relayed to you, sometimes as a quick pick me up, but most of the times for a lot deeper understanding of your need at that moment. This is the little book that will fuel your drive and encourage you forward. Just think of this book as your cheer leader with great wisdom and a gentle knowing of what you need at that exact time.