Title: Come Ride with Me Along the Big C
Author: Claire Petretti Marti
Price: FREE from today till 10/03
Rating: 4.8 out of 5.0(25)

Unflinchingly honest and unapologetically funny, Come Ride with Me along the Big C is a must-read for anyone seeking inspiration, as well as those touched by cancer. In January 2010, Claire Petretti was living her dream: teaching yoga to athletes, filming yoga and Pilates workouts for television, and publishing yoga and wellness articles. A cancer tsunami destroyed her plans. Instead, over the next year she endured two surgeries, lost her hair to chemotherapy, and became certified to teach yoga to cancer survivors.

Claire’s narrative offers a fresh perspective on how cancer can redirect one’s life path. She invites you along, with her unique wit propelling the journey. Throughout the ebbs and flows of treatment, she explores how yogic wisdom helped her find the silver lining in even the darkest circumstances. Living in the present moment becomes not just a concept, but a reality.

The book also provides practical information about how integrating a healthy organic diet, yoga practice, and exercise can impart a greater quality of life for people during cancer treatment and recovery. Claire credits yoga with aiding her return to radiant health and is passionate about sharing its benefits with others.