Title: Guitar Arpeggio Handbook: A 120-Lesson, One-Lick-Per-Day, Step-By-Step Guide to Guitar Arpeggios, Music Theory, and Technique-Building Exercises, Beginner to Advanced Levels (Book & Videos)
Author: Damon Ferrante (Steeplechase Arts)
Price: FREE
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars (10)
Guitar Arpeggio Handbook is a 120-LessonBook and Video Guide for beginner through advanced / virtuoso guitarists for arpeggios, music theory, and fretboard theory. It is designed to work very well in Kindle, iPad, iPhone, and eBook platforms. The book is organized in a 120-lesson format that takes you step by step through arpeggios, the notes on the guitar neck, intervals, and music theory. Each lesson builds on the next in a clear and easy-to-follow format. There are 7 Play-Along Videos, which…