Title : Health Pro Results: Using Bio-Individuality To Succeed As A Natural Health, Fitness, Or Nutrition Professional
Author : T.C. Hale
Price : Free from today till 12/08
Rating : 4.8 out of 5.0(19)

Not only will Tony have you laughing out loud while he reveals the secrets behind how the human body functions, you will also learn how to teach your clients to look at their own body chemistry to understand the underlying causes of a wide variety of health issues. Beyond learning how to create amazing results with your clients, you’ll also gain insights into methods that can take your business as a health professional to a whole new level.

What the Celebrities say…

“Working with Tony is like jumping into the arms of your favorite aunt. Except it’s not. At all. I mean, his methods work. But it’s not like that at all.” – Jane Lynch (Glee)

“I confess to being a full-blown ‘gymophobe.’ (I still have flashbacks of my mean fourth-grade gym teacher!) Tony actually makes the gym panic-attack free.” – Tom Kenny (Voice of Spongebob)

“You can argue with Tony, or you can do what he says and buy smaller jeans.” – Kari Wahlgren (Voice of Tigress, Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness)

“So you know that moment when you are just finishing a hard workout with Tony and he says, ‘Alright, you warmed up? We can start now?’ and then he laughs… I hate that moment.” – Kayla Radomski (So You Think You Can Dance)