Title :How to Edit Your Manuscript The Non-Negotiables: The Newbie’s Guide to Self-Editing in Simple, Uncomplicated Steps (The Non-Negotiables Series)
Author : Annalisa Russo

You might think…Why do I need to edit my book? I paid attention in Freshman Comp. My voice is exceptional, and my dialogue is spot on. I crushed it with my plot and characters. Besides, isn’t that what copy editors are for?

None of that will matter if you head-hopped and violated every grammar, punctuation, and spelling rule in the book. Your manuscript will never get to a copy editor.

Authors only have a few pages to grab the attention of editors, agents, and more important—the reading public—your bread and butter. And editing isn’t only grammar, punctuation, and spelling. In this book, I divulge the secrets of self-editing I learned on my journey to being published along with my own dazzling mistakes.

Whether you write fiction or nonfiction, How to Edit Your Manuscript, The Non-Negotiables has targeted, uncomplicated steps that make self-editing a valuable experience. The guide also includes reference style sheets you will revisit time and time again.