Title: Katrina, The Beginning (Book 1) (Royal Blood Chronicles)
Author: Elizabeth Loraine
Price: $$ till Aug 6, 2013
Rating: 4.2 out of 5.0stars

Top Selling author Elizabeth Loraine’s Royal Blood Chronicles

As a Vampire being hunted was nothing new. Finding out that I had to save those that were hunting us was!

Katrina is thrust into something she never could have imagined growing up in the aristocracy of Europe. Once the fashion of the day, and girlish gossip filled Katrina and her new friends days, but their lives changed the instant their race was threatened and they were chosen as the Five, and the protectors of not only the vampire race, but all the peaceful races of the world!

Katrina, the Beginning book one, chronicles the story of Katrina from the age of seventeen in the series – Royal Blood Chronicles – it’s full of romance, friendship, adventure and betrayal in a fast paced, fun read. It’s filled with strong female characters in a lush, beautifully drawn fantasy world built and wonderfully written by Elizabeth Loriane