Title : Kick Your Fat in the Nuts
Author : T.C. Hale
Price : $ from Today till 08/17
Rating: 3.9 out of 5.0(503)

Not only will Tony have you laughing out loud while he reveals the secrets behind weight loss and how the human body functions, you will also learn how to look at your own body chemistry to understand the underlying cause of YOUR weight issues. Since the reasons for weight gain vary from person to person, once you understand what is going on with your chemistry, this book will help you understand what foods, supplements, or lifestyle changes could eliminate your need to continue buying bigger pants.

Here’s the scoop:

If you’ve ever gained twenty pounds using the same diet that helped your friend lose weight, this book will not only help you understand why, you’ll also learn what steps could work best for you.

•You don’t need to count your calories with the accuracy of a NASA mission.
•You don’t need to starve, feel light-headed, or become a version of yourself that your spouse can’t live with.
•You don’t need to eat food that resembles Styrofoam.
•You don’t need to lift weights nonstop, like you might see on reality shows.
•You don’t need to do cardio until the cows come home. They’re not coming home.