Title: The Salty Carmel Christmas
Author: Barbara Lohr
Price: FREE till Dec 06, 2013
Rating: 5.0 out of 5.0 stars

When Rachel Morgan returns to Paris for Christmas break, she’s not exactly the family success story. That’s Paris, Indiana—just to be clear. Bad breakup. Failing grades. Huge school loan. Things aren’t going her way. Then she runs into Eli Housman at a party. This broad-shouldered hottie is the geek who helped with her computer years ago? A quick kiss under the mistletoe only confuses her. No one worth his salt ever stays in Paris, not in her book anyway. The soft-spoken guy with killer blue eyes makes Rachel take a second look. Paris offers her a second chance. Sometimes life can be like a salty Christmas carmel—sweet but with a tang that lingers, leaving you wanting more. Sometimes the boy you leave behind is the man you want forever. “Salty Carmel Christmas” is a novella that includes a great recipe for salty carmels.