Title: Super Teacher’s Inside Look at How Kids Learn: Brain Based Learning and Teaching (Super Teacher Series)
Author: Jason Stanley
Price: FREE till Dec 09, 2013
Rating: 5.0 out of 5.0 stars(7)

A Complete Teaching and Management SystemJust imagine how it would feel if you could cut your busy time in half and double the effectiveness of your teaching time.

This series will give you all the tools you need so your students become wholly engaged, learn fully and deeply, and have great behavior because they want to be in your class.

This book is the foundation of the full brain based learning and teaching system for stellar teaching success.
Teaching is hard isn’t it? First you spend hours preparing for class. With your hard work complete and ready to teach, you realize you have to also be a, disciplinarian, motivator, and counselor!

Of course you didn’t start teaching to become a disciplinarian, you did it to help kids learn and make the world a better place – right?

You have probably looked at lots of teaching techniques and classroom management methods such as learning modalities, multiple intelligences and flipped classroom only to find that they just added many extra hours onto your already busy schedule with little or no real results except you being even more exhausted.