Title: Tallyho in the Squat
Author: Asa Ingram
Price: FREE from today till 07/23
Rating: 4.8 out of 5.0(6)

Smuggling wild rabbits. Late night sasquatch hunting. A bar fight with a donkey. This wasn’t the post-graduate life Bill Gulledge bargained for.

But in a terrible economy, Bill’s English degree doesn’t pack much punch, and his wealthy redneck father enlists him to bring back illegal shipments of wild rabbits from Kentucky to their hometown in South Carolina. His good ole boy cousin, Jimbo, joins the party after he loses his beer truck driving job due to a heart condition.

With cash in their pockets, plenty of beer in the coolers, and lots of time to kill, Bill and Jimbo set out for their wild adventures while sneaking their contraband bunnies past the cops. Life is simple for Bill—until he falls for the rabbit supplier’s off-limits daughter, Rye Cotton.

Now committing a federal wildlife crime is the least of Bill’s worries.