Title: The Night Shift Diet: How I Lost 54 lbs in 60 Days and Kept it Off While Living a Sedentary Lifestyle and Working Nights
Author: Kym Sandford
Price: FREE from today till 06/10
Discover the secret to losing 54lbs in 60 days.

So you have tried one diet after another. At first it works, but then you end up putting on more weight than you originally started with. Frustrated, you try again and the vicious circle continues.
Does any of this sound familiar?

Well that was the exact trap Kym found herself in, yo-yoing from one diet to another until she had enough. She wanted a diet that was suited to her lifestyle as a night shift worker. She wanted a diet where you could still eat what you really craved and still lost weight. Finally she wanted a diet that was easy to implement and that would enable her to keep the weight off after she reached her ideal weight. Since she couldn’t find one that suited her, she decided to create one herself.

Introducing the Night Shift Diet. Specifically formulated for people that work nights, Kym managed to lose 54 lbs in 60 days. However, anyone, no matter what shift you work, can lose weight on this diet.

Here’s just a few tips she reveals:

• Learn the Top Ten Dieting Myths & how they can help you lose weight.
• How working nights affects your health and fitness and how to make the most of it.
• How to get in the right mindset so you will never fail again, no matter what.
• Learn a simple trick that will jumpstart your metabolism and have you burning the fat in no time flat. (you’ll see amazing results in just 7 days.)
• One simple trick that will help you overcome the cravings.
• What steps you need to take to ensure that you lose weight fast and never put it back on.
• How to lose weight 10 times faster just by doing simple exercises. (you won’t even think you are doing exercises.)
• How eating whatever you like can actually help you lose weight.
• And much, much more.

This book shows you how you, can follow in Kym’s footsteps by copying her plan. Finally start losing the weight fast and keep it off for years to come.