Title: The Oasis of Filth – Part 1
Author: Keith Soares
Price: FREE 
Rating: 4.6 out of 5.0(35)

A #1 best seller in Post-Apocalyptic fiction!

From its seemingly innocuous beginning, The Oasis of Filth is the chronicle of the outbreak of a mysterious disease that ravages mankind. The story is told by a doctor in suburban Maryland who is on the front lines of discovering the disease, but finds himself quickly overwhelmed by a world that collapses into paranoia, fear and loneliness. He makes an unexpected connection to Rosa, a beautiful woman half his age with an inquisitive nature and inherent sense of hope and resourcefulness, and together they go on a sprawling journey across the eastern United States, finding danger, hope, and possibly even the salvation of the world.

Self-Publishing Reviews: 4 stars “The book sets up a believable and in many ways terrifying world, one which takes the zombie genre in a direction that can actually be called unique…”

IndieReader Approved: 4 stars “…the tension steadily builds as the narrative progresses, exploding at certain moments with lively, exciting action scenes and gritty images…”

Reader Reviews:

“I didn’t mean to read this all in one day, but I had to stay up to finish it. Normally, I’m able to put even exciting books down and go to sleep, but this one kept me awake and wanting more.”

“Every bit as good as the Walking Dead series.”

“1984 mixed with The Stand, but much quicker paced.”

“None of that macho ‘I just happened to have a basement full of guns’ bull. The story is believable and the characters are ordinary people. I’ve read a lot of zombie books, and this is one of the most disturbing I’ve read – because it seems so plausible.”

“Keith Soares turns the world upside down in this page turner, giving readers a all-too-plausible look at what can happen. Tight dialogue and a fast-paced plot make Oasis of Filth one to be remembered.”

Part 2 – The Hopeless Pastures: http://www.amazon.com/Oasis-Filth-Part-Hopeless-Pastures-ebook/dp/B00GYF9W7C

Part 3 – From Blood Reborn: http://www.amazon.com/The-Oasis-Filth-Blood-Reborn-ebook/dp/B00J5UOCNM